End desktop clutter forever! Avoid the most tedious file operations. This utility will move, delete, or shred files that are dropped on it. Put copies of it in your Apple Menu, on your launch pad, or in deep folders. Make aliases of it on your desktop and rename them according to function.
Just double click on it and choose your options. The drag and drop interface is pretty self explanatory. Desktop Valet does not work on floppy disks.
Choose the Desktop! option to move files to the same folder where Desktop Valet resides. I keep a Valet in the desktop folder of my third partition. It is a fast way to move files to the desktop of an alternative drive. When the drive is unmounted, the files disappear from the desktop until the drive is mounted again. Alternatively, put it in your Apple Menu folder or a deep folder. Make and alias of the Valet on the desktop. Files that are dropped on the alias will be deleted from their current position and appear in the Apple Menu or be placed in the deep folder.
Deleting and Shredding
These options produce the same effect as dragging a file to the trash and choosing Empty Trash. Shredded documents are NOT recoverable, but deleted documents are.
Be careful with this utility. If you drag an alias onto a Valet that is set to shred, it will shred the original! This is not a bug. It saves you the journey into a deep folder if you want to delete something.
Power User Tip
Choose options by mouse clicks or by pressing 1, 2, or 3 and return. Desktop Valet is compatable with a variety of macro programs and it is FAST.
At a later date I plan to make Desktop Valet process apple events. The alias and folder functions will be enabled at that time.
If you are working with a small keyboard, you may find Extendor FKEYs useful. They give your your small powerbook or mac+ keyboards access to the keys on extended keyboard; such as home, page up, del, help and others. Unlike other similar utilities, the outputs from these FKEYs are subject to modification. For example, if you wanted to press command-help, simply press CapsLock, then hold the command key down as you activate the help FKEY. Because of this feature, I am asking a $10.00 shareware fee for Extendor FKEYs. They are available on AOL or send me a disk.